Clap clap clap clap. Yaaaaay.
A passenger safely landed a Beechcraft King Air 200 in Ft. Myers, Florida yesterday after the pilot died during initial ascent. First off, I do extend my best wishes and prayers to the pilot's family. This was an unfortunate circumstance. BUT, let's not get too carried away in patting this "brave" passenger on the back.
Before the press starts handing our merit badges and gold stars to this passenger, let's put this story in it's proper perspective. First of all, the Beechcraft King Air 200 is THE EASIEST plane to fly in existence. It has a very advanced autopilot and can actually land itself. In fact, after the pilot initially lifts off, the pilot has virtually NOTHING to do.
How do I know this? I have personal experience with the aircraft. In 2004 I was piloting a small group of businessmen from Cape Canaveral to Bermuda in a Beechcraft KA 200. I was suffering from the flu at the time and had just consumed more than half a bottle of Nyquil Flu medicine. After taking off and setting the autopilot, I decided to get about 30 minutes of shut-eye. When I awoke, we were safely on the ground in Bermuda and the plane was empty. The main hatch was open and a warm tropical wind was blowing through the cabin, my passengers having long since deplaned. The plane had safely landed itself.
Second of all, this "brave passenger" wasn't a casual passenger at all. He had flight credentials and was rated on smaller aircraft. Do you congratulate your three year old when he moves on from one tricycle to a slightly larger one? No. I just LOVE how the press has tagged this guy as a hero. Man, as a country we have our notion of "heros" all wrong.
GOD bless you-
Captain Art
The story can be found here: